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This new resource provides definitions, information and considerations for doors and associated elements that are used on healthcare infrastructure projects across Australia and New Zealand

The intent of the document is to provide guidance on:

  • Terminology for door types and components
  • Construction and performance requirements
  • Finishes and door protection
  • Accessibility
  • Hardware, controls, electronic security and access control
  • Doors within specific healthcare settings, such as Mental Health

Doors represent a significant cost in any capital health infrastructure project due to their quantity, complexity, and the extensive design coordination they require among various consultants and trades. Substantial cost savings can be achieved when hospital operators and design teams have a robust knowledge of door requirements and can develop successful strategies during design to support efficient operation. The Design Guidance: Doors resource aims to serve as a consolidated, comprehensive reference to support and enhance these critical design discussions.

Design Guidance: Doors

The purpose of the Framework is to improve existing POE approaches by drawing on lessons learned from all jurisdictions and provide a starting point for jurisdictions that have not yet established formal POE processes.

The AHIA POE Framework includes the following key elements:

  • An overview of terminology including a definition of POEs with reference to other similar terms used across jurisdictions and the relationship to benefits realisation processes.
  • Key benefits of POEs, acknowledging that evaluation is essential to continue improving the return on investment from health infrastructure development and ensure that the planning and design of healthcare facilities continues to evolve to optimise outcomes for patients, staff and the community.
  • A proposed methodology for undertaking POEs, from establishing a POE through to developing an implementation plan in response to the POE outcomes and ensuring appropriate distribution of learnings.
  • Recommended evaluation categories, noting that these will need to be tailored to the specific POE with consideration of other project assurance processes to avoid duplication.
  • Overarching POE template.

It is acknowledged that a number of jurisdictions have existing POE processes and templates in place and there are varying approaches to undertaking POEs so the intent of this document is to provide overarching information that can be tailored to suit the requirements of each jurisdiction.

Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) Framework

This new guideline has been developed through consultation with infection control, health infrastructure and engineering specialists, as well as clinical and operational experts, from across Australia and New Zealand.

The aim of the guideline is to ensure that future hospital developments support increased resilience of health systems in response to pandemics, as well as the prevention of transmission associated with acute respiratory infection (ARI) cases and surges outside of pandemics. The scope of the document includes:

  • planning principles relating to pandemic preparedness that should be adopted for all new build and refurbishment works;
  • risk minimisation strategies for infectious respiratory pathogen transmission based on the hierarchy of control model as an integrated approach to pandemic preparedness;
  • key principles and references relating to engineering controls to minimise infection transmission;
  • hospital unit / service specific considerations; and
  • recommendations relating to surge capacity management.

It is intended that this document will be regularly reviewed and updated to align with the evolving knowledge in this area, and relevant recommendations will be incorporated within other associated AusHFG resources as they are reviewed and updated.

Pandemic Preparedness - Health Infrastructure Planning & Design Guidance

The purpose of the AusHFG Spatial Benchmarks is to support the development of high-level area estimates for common hospital departments / services.  Spatial benchmarks are typically used during initial planning phases to inform early cost planning and indicative footprint requirements prior to the development of detailed schedules of accommodations (SOAs).  This is important information which can be used to advise early investment decisions, as well as site selection and staging strategies.

The AusHFG Spatial Benchmarks provide a minimum estimated area requirement per unit of measure and are derived from SOAs within the AusHFG Health Planning Units (HPU).  They are not derived from actual facility areas, however facility benchmarking data is used to inform updates to the AusHFG SOAs. Benchmarks are provided for clinical, clinical support and non-clinical services and will continue to be updated and refined following each HPU review.

An accompanying guidance document provides an overview of the purpose, methodology, scope and ‘how to use’ the AusHFG Spatial Benchmarks.

AusHFG Spatial Benchmarks

This sheet is a companion document to the AusHFG HPUs for Operating Unit, ICU and ED. It sets out a terminology that can be used to describe typical pendant configuration and digital integration in operating rooms (DOR), based on contemporary equipment supply streams.

AusHFG Terminology for Pendants and DOR

A new AusHFG resource has been  developed entitled Isolation Rooms - Engineering and Design Requirements (Revision 1). This document has been developed to:

  •  provide an up-to-date resource to projects as it is anticipated that HB260 Hospital Acquired Infections - Engineering Down the Risk (2003) will be retired in the near future
  •  incorporate the lessons learned from recent projects.

The information has been developed with the input of a an expert group of health service and industry representatives. A thank you is extended to all those who have contributed to the development of this document.

Isolation Room- Engineering and Design Requirements